Funtua: History of Maska District


By Dr. Aliyu Ibrahim Kankara

 After painstakingly taking time to go through a book with the title above written by Engineer Tukur M. Kawal, the Dokajin Funtua and Durbin Funakaye, as a bohemian and astute writer and reviewer of many English, Hausa and History books on African culture, philosophy and orientations, here are my observations that may be useful to the author in event he may wish to address.


1.          As the title of the book reflected, it has five (5) chapters, surpassing from Chapter one: Brief History of ‘Kasar’ Katsina, Chapter two: A History of Maska to 1927, Chapter three: History, Geography and People of Funtua, Chapter four: Growth and Development of Funtua: 1927 to the Present, Chapter five: The prospect of Funtua in the 21st Century. It is really very amazing and overwhelmingly beautiful for a Historical research to cover these aspects with historical impacts as done by Tukur. It is really fascinating, that which encompass and engulf all what it takes to write and tell both the Bantustans and the newer settlers of northern Nigeria about their history, culture and what their pre-grand children would be expecting to apprehend in the near and far future. The book is reach and meets historical standardization.

2.          As the title and nature of the book be or deserves, it has concrete binding and quality printing, with the paper used that are qualitative too that can make it have durability.

3.          The title of the book is okay and captivative, that can attract readers and buyers.

4.          The writer/author followed and abided by the National Library and book’s publication’s regulations by possessing ISBN and publishing company’s address.

5.          What is more amazing is, the book has 235 pages, which are very substantial for a reader that cannot be boring for a reading. Research students in tertiary institutions and readers for joy and knowledge in the contemporary times stay at bay with books with bulky pages as reading culture is fading, decaying.

6.          I was also perplexed with chapter one, The Brief History of ‘Kasar’ Katsina  which was so short or brief, that it was a supportive chapter in the book. Naturally, it should not be long.

The Author should address the following for future edition of the book:

1.          The pictures in the book are too many, too much. Some are not even desirous. Some notable personalities in Funtua whose identities appeared in the book had more than one or multiple pictures which were wastes. For instance, Alhaji Wada Nas and Alhaji Isma’ila Isa Funtua’s identities appeared many times.

2.          The biography of Sarkin Maska Shehu Minister in the book was too brief and or short, which is so unnatural for a history research. Let his history capture many things from birth, childhood, manhood and the achievements while he was the district head.

3.          As it is a book written in English, let English be used wholly, but where vernacular (Hausa) language is sandwiched, it should be removed. For example, title of chapter one: ‘Kasar’ Katsina should reflect Katsina Province.

4.          The page numbers should be clearly printable and visible so that they could be seen and read vividly.

5.          Pictures shown in chapter one should either be reduced or not supposed to be as they are contained already in books where Katsina Province’s history is majorly discussed. Here the general history of Katsina is only an accessory not an essential part of the book as the title shows.


Aliyu Ibrahim Kankara, PhD

Author of Shata Biography,

and a lecturer, Umaru Musa ‘Yar’Adua University.

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